Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On arrival in new country, so many potential posts, so little internet time

I'm in Jakarta now, spending a week doing "in-country training" which has so far consisted of a language teacher cooking us food she can't eat (fasting for Ramadan) and telling us about our star signs (in English). We stepped up training this afternoon by going to a shopping centre with a swimming pool and taking a very enjoyable dip.

I've taken a few photos and have even racked up a few ideas for posts, but left my camera in my room when I came downstairs to a cafe to use the wireless internet. If I intend to be a diligent poster I am going to have to be on the ball in future.

Jakarta is hot and polluted as you might imagine, but I love it. In the beginning everything just smells and looks and feels exotic and "away from home". I'm guessing that would wear pretty thin pretty quickly if I lived here. We spent at least three hours in traffic today. One of those hours was pretty bloody awful because I needed to wee. The bus driver kindly stopped at a petrol station for me.

I will be flying to Banda Aceh on Friday morning after a big night of karaoke we have planned for Thursday night. I can't wait to get there and start sorting myself out.

1 comment:

Sushi said...

As I end my trip, you're starting yours. I'm glad to see that it never really ends, as it shouldn't.

bon voyage
