Thursday, October 4, 2007


Last night the local mosque was in full force. At around 5am (post 4am call to prayer) something started that sounded like a Transformer (robots in disguise) reading from the Koran with loud swooshing noises in the background like the theme music from Doctor Who. My trusty iPod drowned out the sound and I was asleep again in no time.

Then I had a dream about an earthquake. The Gilmore Girls and I were in a library and when a huge earthquake shook the foundations of the building I ever so quickly remembered my training and ducked under a desk. When I woke up there was some serious rumbling going on, like perhaps the aftermath of a tremor? No one else felt it though, so I guess I can't claim my first earthquake yet.

THEN, I woke up to this:

It was dying on the floor next to my bed. It was bigger than my bed actually. About 8 ft long.

Sleep should not be this eventful.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like weird night noises to remind you you're in a strange country. I can make a tape of Melbourne traffic for you if you like.
Great new blog, Looking forward to being entertained all year.

Lars said...

why did it die?

Sushi said...

sleep should be this eventful. you spend a third of your life doing it!