Sunday, November 25, 2007

An interlude

The Visa Runner's guide to Malaysia will continue later (Part 2: The Indonesian Embassy will be much shorter than Part 1, I promise).

But for now I must post about the excellent news that the ALP won the election! I don't have anything thoughtful and fascinating to say about it but didn't want Where is Sarah? to let it pass by without acknowledgment (this blog is an important record that will be looked at by historians in decades to come...obviously).

Moving right along here is a really grainy photo of me striking a really stupid pose to show off my new hair (the window is in the frame because I wanted to include a bit of fancy hotel room, but it didn't work).

This is what it looks like when I wake up in the morning! No brushing required. Go toxic chemicals! I can wash it and leave it to air dry as well. Finally I have low-maintenance hair for a low-maintenance (read: lazy) person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't believe more people weren't in shock and awe over your trip to outback steakhouse.

you mean you don't have to wear a hat? or bring your straightener everywhere? (and worry about electrical compatibility?) did you get your hair straightened? is it at an artsy angle?

why are you not featuring more animal pictures? it's what the people want. sheesh.