Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Boat Trip

Lara and I tried to co-post yesterday but instead we were sidetracked by the surprisingly difficult task of buying Lara a flight out of Indonesia.

On Sunday we went on a boat trip to an island about an hour or two from Banda Aceh. This boat trip was the mostly highly anticipated event on the Banda Aceh foreigner calendar for some time. So on Sunday morning we all arrived at the port like kids going on school camp and loaded the boat with supplies enough for 100 people (there were probably only 20).

After an hour or so we arrived at our destination and began the mission of getting necessary supplies from the boat to the beach via surf boards and waterproof bags. Once everything was on dry land we made a fire and cooked up a storm (actually I collected firewood and went for a swim while the cooking happened). We had fish and prawns and chops, and one very resourceful person was even able to bring salads across from the boat in Tupperware containers.

At one point Lara pondered whether the location could be any more perfect and I reminded her of the coral cuts we all had from crossing a reef as we swam from the boat. I retrospectively added to the 'what's not perfect about the boat trip' list:

1. my decision to climb up a steep hill in bare feet
2. the strong current that nearly swept us out to sea as we swam back to the boat
3. Sunburn even though I lathered on the sunscreen

But even the list didn't make the day anything less than brilliant. Here is me and Lara at the end of the day on the way back into town.

For a change of pace, this weekend Lara and I will stay put on an Pulau Weh (Weh Island) for three days. It's nice to mix it up a little you know?

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