Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Funny photography

I was giggling to myself moments ago about how bad at photography I am (MJ can vouch for recent bouts of unwarranted giggling), and then I found this picture which isn't so bad.

I took it this morning when I was visiting one of the Balai Inong (a traditional women's space) that we've built. You can't see the detail all that well when the photo is this small, but I think it gives a sense of the landscape in the part of Banda Aceh where the tsunami hit the worst. In the water up front, next to the road I was standing on, you can make out the mangroves that presumably were once very thick. They are slowly reclaiming the water. In the background you can see the tsunami houses lined up in rows. You can almost imagine what this area might have looked like before the tsunami.

After taking this photo I turned 180 degrees and saw this:

And for good measure, here is a picture of the building we built. I think it's very pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fortch, with disaster after disaster, I can't help but wonder if all of asia is going to be covered in the same little aid agency built houses. I hope it's a good design!