Monday, June 16, 2008

In Melbourne

I arrived in Melbourne this morning and it was FRIGID. It was a beautiful, crisp, sunny morning that has me thinking that winter in Melbourne is glorious and not at all gloomy and wet. Perhaps tomorrow I will be reminded of the truth.
The twins are even cuter in person and itsy bitsy teensy. I'll be posting more photos shortly.
I had no success getting a visa at the Indonesian consulate this morning, for reasons so ridiculous I was almost rude to the woman behind the counter, so now I have to enact a plan B to get a visa before the weekend. Was too busy eating soup today to think about plan B.
Meeting with PM went well. Will report in more detail later this week or next. In short: I like the guy.
Now it's time for sleep. Still catching up from a very late Saturday night followed by a very early Sunday morning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah,
To celebrate 1000 hits I´m posting comment number 1. Say hello to Melbourne for me. I´ll be in Indonesia in a few weeks, so we can catch up on PMs there. I believe i saw George bush´s car in Berlin (although there were about 500 so I´m not sure which one was his. Didn´t get to chat.
Hello from Stef and Lily also.
Enjoy melbourne and the twins.
Bye Greg