Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh hello Mr Prime Minister

I know you are dying to see what I wore to meet Krudd, so here are the official portraits:

Why Sarah, you're funny and delightfully dressed. What an exemplary Australian.

Yes Brett, what you say is fascinating...but actually I am just too captivated by the young woman in the brown dress...



Can I ask what you are doing with your hand in the top photo?

Josh said...

I know Brett! Ha! Say hi from me! Once upon a time, donkeys years ago he played bass for me! And to see you all lined up with the PM! Tell him I still need a bass player! It's "Position Open"! said...

I love the posture. Were u all told to do that or is it natural when u meet someone of importance?

I think the real reason they told us to clasp our hands in primary school is so we wouldn't pick our nose..

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Were these press photos?

I find that I clasp my hands at work a lot...mainly just because I don't know what else to do with them while a million people look at me.

Anonymous said...

Shari Fortswana, you're my hero.

(I can't believe you came to my house and I STILL didn't give you your birthday present.)