Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Waiting for workshop

I'm just waiting in the driveway of my office to go to another day of a workshop we're running, and have nothing specific to post, but I need to post to keep up progress towards my posting goal for 2008.

There is a cat sitting next to me. Its name is Pusspah. It walked into the office this morning so my colleague who lives here at the office decided to name it. He is now considered the cat's papa. There are a million stray cats everywhere, and they often enough wander into a house with an open door. I don't know what sets this cat apart from those to be given a name. This cat is particularly ugly too, and not even a little kitten. I suspect Pusspah won't still be part of the family by this afternoon.

The mornings are very fresh and cool at the moment, but unfortunately all I want to do is sleep through them. My friend Jess and I planned an early morning beach trip for last Sunday but I was feeling sick on Saturday night so didn't set the alarm and woke up at 9am. I then made the epic journey from my bed to the couch and stayed there, dozing until about 1pm. So Jess and I went into town and ate burgers for lunch instead.

Other news, the tap/shower broke off the wall in my bathroom the other day and water and dirt gushed out. It was magically repaired when I got home, and even better, I had a whole new tap/shower that is AMAZING.

OK time to go...

1 comment: said...

Life is good.

You aren't missing much over here - it's hibernating weather (cold and miserable) and I think most ppl are doing just that.