Friday, February 29, 2008

Waitress - My new favourite movie

Last night I watched Waitress from start to finish. I had seen part of it before on a plane, and was pretty sure I loved it, but slept through a lot of it. I was waiting to see some of the scenes I remember from the first viewing, but I must have dreamed them because they didn't turn up this time. But it didn't matter, my dreamed scenes didn't make much sense anyway.

Oh this movie! What a tasty, sweet piece of loveliness!

It made me HUNGRY (not that I need any help with that). See, Kerri Russel plays a waitress with an awful husband and an unwanted baby in her belly. She expresses her angst through her extraordinary pie making.

I've always been a fan of pies, and have made a few in my life, but I don't think I could ever make another pie again as it will never come close to matching the (admittedly imaginary, movie-world) magic of the pies Kerri Russel made. I am grateful that there are no ovens in Banda Aceh so I am not tempted to foolishly attempt to make a pie right now.

Even if you're not a fan of pie (who are you anyway?? Soulless creature) you would probably love this movie anyway. It's clever, original, addresses important issews like gender-based violence (if you haven't signed the book sign it now), and it also just looks really nice. And if that's not enough, it also has grumpy old men and cute babies! It's true!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sar, lucky you didn't have an oven or you may have been tempted to make 3 different pies in the same day after watching this movie then not have been able to eat them. Didn't taste as good as hers looked though. Oh, and has Nicole Kidman had something done to her lips. They do NOT look normal in her picture on the unifem website...