Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stuff White People Like: The BEST SITE EVER

Stuff White People Like has been getting lots of 'buzz' lately so I'm a little embarrassed to just jump on a bandwagon and post like, totally a week too late. (Potential Stuff that white people like #82: being the first to 'discover' something).

But seriously guys, this is THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ. I am prone to exaggeration, but I really mean it this time.

Take some examples of stuff white people like:
#1: Coffee
#2: Religions their parents don't belong to
#16: Gifted children
#71: Being the only white person around

Read Stuff White People Like, and I can assure you it will describe the things that drive you crazy about other people (#28 Not having a TV; #67 Standing still at concerts), and your own White Person sins (#52 Sarah Silverman, #72 study abroad). There will also be a gazillion "it's funny because it's true!" moments.

I'm not at all convinced that this list describes only white people or would include poor white people, but putting those details aside, this list is right on the mark for describing some kind of demographic that I think most of my readers belong to. If you cannot identify with a single thing on this list (that includes the non-whites reading this) please let me know.

As I write this post some other "Stuff White People Like" have come to my attention.

Potential #83: blogging about websites (and movies, music) as an expression of how knowledgeable you are about cool things. My blog is one of about a trillion others.

Potential #84: Living in dangerous places (or making them sound dangerous even when they are not).

And thanks to Bryant's bitching about Gmail's Archive function that inspired this one:

Potential #85: de-cluttering (and looking down on people who hoard)

I could go ON AND ON about this. I've had to force myself to stop adding to the list. Believe it or not, I actually have to get back to work (#12: Non-Profit Organizations).


Lars said...

Hi Sarah, I'm back. I'm going to call rather than write a novel length email, I've just got to buy a phone card and my internal clock is all switcher-o so when I am up when the newsagent is open I'll purchase it for sure. Oh, regarding your post. I'm going to read that site, but later, it sounds like it's a bit confronting, I don't want to be the same as everyone else - is that one of the points? I bet it is. Oh well. I trust you're well, you must be so excited about Bali. Did you get my postcards? I want to send you a parcel but I'm a little concerned my other mail hasn't got to you?? Let me know anyway. Love Me

Anonymous said...

Hey miss, I don't want to be in the annoying category of people who don't have a tv and like to talk about it. But, I do have a funky little used-to-be-white-but now-getting-a-little-grubby macbook that is very good at playing dvds (well, since i got the dvd drive replaced anyway) so I think I maybe don't count. It's gotten me all the way to the beginning of season 6 of Gilmore Girls so far...