Monday, August 11, 2008

Moving this way and that

Saturday afternoon saw the end of a crazy stretch of work so now I will pick up where I left off as a diligent blogger.

The busy period gave me a lot to report so I plan to post a few photos from the last few weeks over the next week and get up to date. Now I move into a new phase of busyness as my time in Aceh draws to a close (I'll be back in Australia next month). I have a lot of writing to do so I will be glued to my computer and therefore probably blogging as a form of procrastination.

Dates aren't fixed yet but I'll be home for a few weeks in September/October and then I'll be relocating to Bangkok to take up a six month contract (the picture to the left is just one I shamelessly stole from the web). This is great news and I should be falling off my chair with excitement but I'm a bit too tired, and I suspect my soul is too weary, to be excited yet. But I expect that I will go home and have a rest, attend to the other parts of my life for a little bit and then jump back in feeling refreshed. And if there is anywhere to go for a weary soul it's Thailand right?

I will be looking for accommodation with room for visitors as I've already had a few people signal their wish to visit, and in any given six month period a handful of friends and family visit Thailand anyway, so maybe people will like to stop in Bangkok and say hi. Again, no dates fixed yet, but I think I can flag the last half of January and a week or so in late March/April as times that I will be back in Aceh, so whether you're coming to visit Sarah or want a vacant apartment in Bangkok for a couple of weeks I hope these times suit.

Now, after a lovely hour of blogging and interneting on Monday morning, I will start work for the week. Just after I find something for breakfast.

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