Wednesday, December 12, 2007

E! News 101 Top Celebrity Blog Makeovers!

I know that most of my readers are Australian and have better things to do than have pay TV, but here I have cable and therefore watch E!News. It has pretty much filled any gaps in my pop culture knowledge that the Simpsons and Gilmore Girls couldn't.

So now I refer to E!News 101 Top everything (makeovers, celebrity slimmers, most expensive weddings, richest rappers and so forth) even though no one reading this blog gets it...Which I think is what makes a PC reference even cooler.

Woah, long introduction. Now I know why the Gilmore Girls just say stuff without explaining it. They'd have to talk even more to fit in all the background and there is obviously no more room for dialogue in that show. Damn, I explained that PC reference too. I've got to get better at this.

So, to get to the point, my blog is obvs NO.1 on the celebrity blog makeover list (and don't even bother questioning my celebrity)

Before you make some rude comment about my inability to create something as nice as this header (Benjamin I have you in mind), I will admit I received a little bit of help from Meaghan. When I say a little bit I mean she did it all. Although, I did get pretty HTML savvy when I made my header CLICKABLE! You heard correctly, no it's not in your dreams. My header is clickable now. I can hear the collective sigh of relief.

Please feel free to tell me how much you love my header in the comments (no, don't send me an email, or gchat/skype me about it. Now that I have a pretty blog I can get all "blog etiquette" on you).

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